How To Treat For Weak Heart - first homes designs

How To Treat For Weak Heart

A weak heart or in medical language better known as cardiomyopathy is a condition in which the heart cannot pump enough blood to all parts of the body.
Many people think weak antung is a condition when the heart is not working at all, but the correct definition is the weakened heart muscle and can not pump blood to be circulated throughout the body properly.
Keep in mind, that a weak heart can also be said to be heart failure. The condition of heart failure does not always recover as before. However, this condition can be controlled and prevented so that patients can still live longer.
Causes of heart weakness include excess pressure on the heart, presence of heart failure, presence of other diseases such as anemia, there is a blockage of blood flow from the heart such as aortic stenosis, damage to heart function due to high blood pressure or heart attack.

How to Overcome Weak Heart

One method that can be used to deal with an effective weak heart is to exercise. A number of health experts recommend exercising at least 30 minutes five times a week. In addition to strengthening the heart, exercise can also help to improve your psychological condition.
But there are some things you must know about exercise to strengthen the heart. First, there are several types of exercise that are not all suitable for people with weak heart.
Some types of exercise that are good for weak heart are aerobics, jogging, and swimming.Second, avoid doing extreme sports like some types of fitness and rock climbing. Third, you should first determine the sport you choose, just adjust how long you will do the sport.
Besides exercise, another way that is not less effective for strengthening the heart is that which is related to your lifestyle. Lifestyle here means food and drinks that you consume and habits.
The first thing you have to do is stop smoking, because carbon monoxide substances on cigarettes can cause hardening of the coronary arteries.
Active and passive smokers are at risk of damage to blood vessels, increase blood pressure, and reduce oxygen levels in the blood. As a result, the heart beats faster and the heart works harder.
In addition, you should also avoid eating foods that contain lots of fat and cholesterol.Cholesterol is basically a substance that is harmful to the heart.
Not only does it limit fat and cholesterol foods, you also have to limit salt. The nature of salt is to absorb excess water in the body which ultimately forces the heart to work harder.
You also have to be aware of foods with hidden salts, such as cheese, processed meat, pickles, and energy drinks. By reducing salt intake, the heart works more normally, thereby reducing the occurrence of heart failure or weak heart.

Weak Heart Treatment

Weak heart has several treatment options depending on the symptoms and the type of disease experienced. The focus of treatment for weak heart disease is to control symptoms and prevent complications.
Here are ways to treat a weak heart, including:
  • Heart Transplant
This procedure is the last treatment option taken when all ways to treat a weak heart are ineffective or are already in a late stage of heart failure.
  • Ventricular assist devices (VAD)
VAD is a device that is installed on the body and used to promote blood circulation in the heart. This tool can be used for short or long periods. For example, it is used as long as patients wait for the heart transplant process or when other procedures do not give satisfactory results.
  • Medication for high blood pressure
Medications for high blood pressure (ACEIs, ARBs, beta-blockers, diuretics or CCB, etc.), prevent water retention (diuretics), maintain a normal heart rate, prevent blood clots (aspirin and clopidogrel), and reduce inflammation.

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