You Must Know, These Are Characteristics of High Cholesterol and Gout - first homes designs

You Must Know, These Are Characteristics of High Cholesterol and Gout

Health problems of cholesterol and gout are often felt by people in Indonesia. People with gout usually also experience high cholesterol problems, considering the causes of these two health problems are the same, namely an unhealthy diet. Get to know the following characteristics and symptoms of high cholesterol. In addition, you must also know the characteristics of high uric acid that often occur.
Someone who has a tendency to symptoms of high cholesterol and gout must always maintain diet and lifestyle. This method must be done to always be healthy and fit without having to be exposed to these two health problems.

List of Symptoms of High Cholesterol and Gout

Actually, what are the characteristics of high cholesterol and the characteristics of gout that you should recognize?

1. Feeling aches, tingling, and headaches

Aches, tingling, and headaches are the first characteristics of high cholesterol. Symptoms of high cholesterol that will be felt are the appearance of aches or heavy sensations on the nape of the neck and shoulders. In addition, other high cholesterol characteristics are the tendency to experience headaches, fatigue, and drowsiness.
This symptom of high cholesterol turns out to be caused by the decreasing intake of oxygen to the brain. This is due to the accumulation of plaque in the blood vessels that blocks blood flow. In addition, people with high cholesterol will also tend to be prone to tingling problems.
So, if you often feel tingling, don't ignore the problem because it could be a sign of high cholesterol that you should watch out for.

2. Easy to feel tired

Not only aches, tingling, and headaches, other signs of high cholesterol are easy to feel tired. In addition, people who experience symptoms of high cholesterol will usually feel tired even though they are not doing heavy activities.
Inhibition of flow can also occur in the bloodstream to the brain, making patients with symptoms of high cholesterol difficult to concentrate, easily drowsy, and sometimes feel confused without cause.

3. Joint pain

The most common symptoms of cholesterol and gout are pain or aches in the joints, which are then accompanied by swelling and redness. In addition, when you wake up, people with symptoms of high uric acid and cholesterol also tend to be susceptible to tingling repeatedly.
If you experience symptoms of high uric acid, then the pain and swelling will also become worse so that the sufferer will be more difficult to move.

4. Heart palpitations

Who would have thought that heart palpitations could also be a sign of high cholesterol and gout. The amount of cholesterol in the blood vessels by thickened and hardened plaques will make the heart work harder to pump blood flow to all tissues or organs. This will cause symptoms of heart palpitations faster and harder which indicates that these organs work extra-normal than normal.
If it persists, it can result in fatigue in the heart which is often referred to as heart failure.So do not underestimate the characteristics of uric acid and high cholesterol, so you can take preventive measures to prevent the body's condition from worsening.

5. Cholesterol levels exceed normal limits

Health experts say that normal cholesterol levels in an adult's body are around 160 to 200 milligrams per deciliter of blood. For those who have cholesterol levels of more than 240 milligrams per deciliter of blood, it is certain that they are experiencing symptoms of high cholesterol.
To prevent this health problem, here are some tips to prevent high uric acid and symptoms of high cholesterol in your body.

How to reduce high cholesterol

When several characteristics of high cholesterol and gout have appeared, you need to be alert. Proper handling will make your body condition primarily related to cholesterol levels and gout to be better. However, before the characteristics of high cholesterol and high uric acid actually appear, here are some tips to prevent and reduce cholesterol and gout in the body.

1. Maintain a diet

Maintaining a healthy diet will reduce the likelihood of the appearance of high cholesterol characteristics in the body. Eat brown rice and limit your intake of meat that contains fat.You also have to multiply fruits and vegetables, and regularly drink green tea to reduce levels of bad cholesterol in the blood. Healthy food will also prevent the appearance of gout characteristics that can make your activity disrupted.

2. Increase consumption of fish

One of the most effective ways to reduce symptoms of high cholesterol and symptoms of high uric acid is eating fish. Omega 3 fatty acids contained in fish can reduce levels of fat in the blood and LDL, and can raise HDL. Examples of fish that contain lots of omega 3 are salmon. If you want to be more practical, omega 3 supplements are already on the market.

3. Exercise regularly

Exercise is the key to a healthy and happy life. Exercise regularly at least 3 times a week to reduce symptoms of high cholesterol and symptoms of high uric acid.

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