What is The Cause Of The Appearance Of Moles? - first homes designs

What is The Cause Of The Appearance Of Moles?

Even though it has a name that means fly feces, in reality the mole that is on our skin is completely unrelated to the animal that is known to be dirty. So, what is the cause of the appearance of a mole?
Skin specialist health specialist named Dr. Armansjah Dara Sjahrudin, SpKK, MKEs from Mayapada Hospital said that moles in the medical world are referred to as nevus. This condition is innate so often referred to as birthmarks. Nevus itself can be divided into melanocytic naevus and basaloma nevus. Not only because of innate factors, moles are also often formed along with the more someone's harvest. For this reason, sometimes a mole appears on the skin that is growing even though it has never existed before.
So, are these moles useful for the human body? Dr. Dara said that until now there had not been any definite benefits of this mole. One thing is for sure, moles appear due to hyperpigmentation in the skin that continues to thicken, which triggers the appearance of moles with this dark color.
Some moles are dangerous but some are not. Usually, this type of dangerous mole is a symptom of melanoma cancer. With features having edges tends to be rough or uneven, is not symmetrical, and has a combination of two or three colors or even more. Hazardous moles also usually have a diameter that tends to be large, which is more than 6 mm, and tend to feel itchy or even occasionally bleed.
If you have a mole of this type, it's a good idea to check the condition immediately with your doctor so you can get proper medical treatment.

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