How to Use The Correct Ear Drops - first homes designs

How to Use The Correct Ear Drops

Ear is one of the five senses that humans have. This senses function as a means of hearing and body balance. However, in carrying out its functions, the ear is sometimes threatened by a variety of dangerous things that can interfere with its function.
Various dangerous things can be in the form of pathogenic germs that cause respiratory and ear infections, continuous noise, intermittent noise, short and loud explosions, head injuries, sports-related ear injuries, and ear injuries due to swimming and flight.
When you have a disturbance in your ears, it can affect your daily activities. Therefore, you should immediately check this condition with an ear specialist. However, if problems with the ears require immediate treatment, you can use ear drops.

So, how to use the correct ear drops?

Ear drops have a dropper like a pipette that functions to suck the drug according to the dose and then drip it on the ear. When not opened, the drug is in a sterile condition so your job is to keep the drug sterile.
One way is not to drop the dropper with other objects, even when dripping is attempted not to be affected by the ear.
How to use ear drops is fairly easy but requires accuracy. Before starting to give ear drops, you must wash your hands using soap. Then dry with a clean cloth, after that:
  • Make sure the tip of the dropper is not damaged because it will affect the quantity of the drug. If it is damaged and the open hole is bigger then the droplets that come out are also bigger.
  • After that, clean the outer ear first using warm water or with a damp cloth slowly. Then dried with a dry towel.
  • Warm the ear drops by holding the bottle for a few minutes. Then shake the bottle, take ear drops and then tilt the head until the ear hole is facing upwards.
  • Slowly drip according to the dose. When finished, put it back in the bottle and close it tightly.
Keep ear drops in a place that has room temperature. Avoid storing it in a humid, hot and direct sun. Also avoid using this drug if there are spots that float in it.
Well, that's an easy way to use ear drops that you must know. So that the benefits of this ear drops can be maximized, keep the hygiene and tilt of the head so that the ear drops are on target.
After you know how to use ear drops and read the instructions for use, it should also be noted that after using this drug some negative things occur on the body, you should see a doctor immediately.
Some things that make you have to check the condition to the doctor include:
  • Dizziness.
  • A rash appears around the ear.
  • Hearing is ringing.
  • The ears feel itchy, hot, or sore.

Circumstances Needing Ear Drops

  • Chronic middle ear inflammation

There is also an ear inflammation that is accompanied by fluid in the middle ear. The amount of fluid behind this eardrum does not usually interfere with children. The liquid will usually disappear after a few weeks or months. But if it doesn't go away then it's certainly compulsory to be treated.
  • Acute middle ear inflammation

Viruses and bacteria are a common cause of inflammation of the middle ear. Inflammation of the middle ear is often experienced by children with flu and cough - and the closure of the Eustachian tube.
The Eustachian tube is a channel that connects the middle ear to the nasal cavity. In addition, the appearance of infections in the respiratory tract can also be a cause of this disease.
  • Inflammation of the outer ear

The causes of infection in this area are often fungi and bacteria . Usually the infection occurs in the part of the ear canal located between the eardrum and the outer ear. The trigger of this infection is due to the entry of dirty water or damage to the ear canal due to the wrong or too hard ear cleaning process.

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